106 Third Street
Astoria, OR 97103

Beginning Watercolor - Jo Pomeroy-Crockett Instructor

Wednesdays 3: - 6: pm Class size may be limited. Click "Classes" on this website for more informaion or call the Art Loft 503-325-4442

Learn basic watercolor techniques: wet into wet, dry on wet, glazing, charging, brush uses, edges, and value patterns. 

Supplies are not included but are available through on-line art resources.  Fine Art Supplies, located below the Art Loft on Marine Drive is also a supply resource. 

Recommended supply list:

          PAPER   140 lb. cold press

          PIGMENTS:               Warm:                            Cool:

                                    Permanent red OR                Permanent alizarin crimson OR

                                    Quinacridone red OR             Quinacridone rose

                                    Cobalt blue OR                        Thalo blue (green)

                                    Thalo blue                                Prussian blue

                                    Ultramarine blue

                                    Cadmium yellow medium        Lemon yellow

                                    OR Aureloin yellow

            BRUSHES:       1" flat with aquarelle tip

                                       8" OR 10" or 12" round with point

                                       Rigger or liner

                                       Dagger or slant line    

            OTHER SUPPLIES ARTISTS USE:  Paper towels; spray bottle; white cloth towel, natural                       sponge, water container, and  brush soap

Call the Art Loft at 503-325-4442